Nascar Speed Nuts 5/8"-18 Thread Size (10 Pack)
Unquestionably The Strongest W heel Stud Used In Nascar Today , Practically Every Driver's R eputation Rides On The Reliabi lity Of Arp Wheel Studs. Begin ning With The Finest Aerospace -quality Materials. Arp's Uniq ue Manufacturing Technology An d Exacting Quality Standards A re Brought Into Play To Create The Finest, Most Durable Whee l Studs Known To Man. Other Fe atures Include Precision J-for m Threads, Exclusive Nut-start er And Bullet Shape Radius Tha t All But Eliminates Cross Thr eading, Shot-peening, Special Baked-on Dry Lube, And Double Magnaflux Inspection. Rated 19 0,000psi Tensile Strength.